Dusting Things Off

It has been a long time since I have published anything under “ebonymonidorsey”.

After I switched from WordPress.com to Squarespace, I stopped using a personal site for any and all updates. (Though, truthfully my personal website always toed the line between personal projects and promoting my creative business ventures.)

Originally this was going to be “Seeds of Ebony”. My name is Ebony, and ebony is a type of tree so I thought it would blend nicely with my “black thumb” in gardening…but using a black thumb as a metaphor with “growing” projects didn’t quite sit right with me. (I can only grow plants in winter, unfortunately. And even then, the rainfall and sun do most of the work, hence my “black thumb”.)

So I returned to my roots (ha!) and here I am again.


If you are unfamiliar with me and my work, I am a speculative fiction writer who spent the last 10 or so years trying to build up career as an artist/illustrator. I have since pivoted to focusing on writing fiction and growing a business in publishing whenever I’m not working my day job. (Hooray for day job security and stability!)

My goal with this website is to give myself a place to exercise my creative muscles outside of my professional aspirations. Most people I know work “boring” jobs and get to enjoy creative hobbies on the side with a clear line of what is “work” and what is “recharging”. There is nothing wrong with this. I juggle both a “boring” job and a creative career, so I find I need some sort of compartmentalization to get some sort of enjoyment or recharge from creative projects, since a good portion of my fiction writing and illustration work tend to be catalogued as “work” in my brain. This shall be my outlet for the “recharging” types of creative projects and endeavors.


Types of Content to Expect:

  • Documentation of Projects and Progress — I enjoy learning. That is my main hobby. The actual “hobbies” themselves are simply the off-shoots of that one hobby.

  • Ideation & Concepting — I hate writing on X and other social media. Some of these blog posts will just be quick snippets of quotes & ideas to act upon later after I’ve stewed on them for a bit.

  • ? — We’ll see what this evolves into.